Bekaert and Rezolv Energy sign 100 GWh wind PPA in Romania

wind farm

On July 4th 2024 Rezolv Energy, the Actis-backed independent power producer in Central and Southeastern Europe, through their project subsidiary First Looks Solutions S.R.L., have signed a 10-year Virtual Power Purchase Agreement (VPPA) in Romania with Bekaert, a global leader in steel wire transformation and coating technologies. This is one of the largest PPAs ever […]

Public consultation on the introduction of voluntary templates for PPAs

The EU Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER) has announced a public consultation on the introduction of voluntary templates for Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) in the EU energy market. In accordance with the EU Regulation to improve the Union’s Electricity Market Design (EMD), which was adopted by the Council of the EU on […]