RE-Source SEE 2024 is coming – Save the Date & Explore the Sponsorship Opportunities

RE-Source Southeast, the largest event dedicated to corporate renewable energy sourcing in Southeast Europe, will be held for the 4th time in Sofia.

Save the dates 15-16 May 2024!

As in the previous editions, useful information will be presented about the latest trends in power purchase agreements (PPAs), electricity trading, regional market updates, ESG strategies and corporate sustainability policies, decarbonisation strategies, grid services and energy storage challenges, financing opportunities for renewable energy projects, and more.

The upcoming edition of RE-Source SEE will provide new opportunities to meet and network with leading industry players, high-level experts and future partners.

The latest edition of RE-Source Southeast generated huge interest. With over 50 speakers, sharing their expertise about various aspects of corporate sourcing, the event was attended by over 400 participants from Europe, Asia and America. More information on the topics, participants and partners from the past event can be found at the following link.

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